The change of heart. The heart of change.

Nearly 1 billion people around the world live with disabilities. Many of these individuals and their families live in poverty, pain, and despair. Together we can change this. We envision a world where every person with a disability finds hope and dignity.

Our Vision

To foster a dignified life for individuals with disabilities in Jordan.

Our Mission

To build an environment that enables people with disability to realize their full potential, by providing support and services in the various areas.

Our Values

Give equal rights, love and inspiration to the disabled people among us.

What We Do

We provide practical assistance to people with disabilities. We have changed people and societies in Jordan and Syria over the past thirteen years.
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إختبارات التشخيص أثناء الحمل

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Helping disabled refugees in Jordan

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As of today, we are humbled by what God has accomplished through us

Children reached with disabilities and their families

Medical and/or rehabilitation sessions

Assistive devices for a variety of medical needs

Food packages delivered to beneficiaries and their families

Events facilitated to date

Home visits conducted

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